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Friday, January 16, 2009

Market Watch 1.16.09

This morning, the Consumer Price Index for 2008 was reported the lowest since 1954, indicating that inflation is not a problem. The big news of the day, however, is in the banking sector.

Citigroup reported a $8.29 Billion loss, completing its worst year ever since its inception in 1812. Bank of America also lost $1.79 Billion in the 4th quarter, making 2008 the bank's first yearly loss in 17 years. However, Bank of America received a lifeline late last night in government funds in exchange for preferred stock.

Currently, the Stock market is rebounding a bit higher, which is applying selling pressure on Bonds. However, prices have already improved since early lows. For now, I recommend floating, as we watch to see if prices can hold.

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