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Monday, January 5, 2009

Market Watch 1.5.09

Happy New Year! Mortgage Bonds are off to a great start in 2009, as the Fed begins its planned purchase of Mortgage Backed Securities. This process will continue gradually through June and should help buoy Mortgage Bond prices. For today, there are no economic reports due out, so Mortgage Bonds will likely respond to today's Fed announcement.

In other news, President-Elect Obama's new stimulus package will reportedly be worth $775 Billion and will include hundreds of Billions of dollars worth of tax breaks and credits for individuals and businesses. This is good news for the economy and should help with consumer confidence over time.

Currently, I recommend floating, as Mortgage Bonds ride a nice long-term trend higher. Remember, with today's continued volatility and sharp swings in the market, trusted market knowledge is as important as price in your rate decision. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I’ll be happy to help."

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